Charlotte Elizabeth Canning et al. in Windsor Castle - 15 September, 1846

from Letter from Baroness Bunsen to her mother Mrs Waddington, 15 Sept. 1846, page 92:

I arrived here at 6, and at 8 went to dinner in the great hall, hung round with the Waterloo pictures. The band played exquisitely, so placed as to be invisible; so that what with the large proportions of the hall, and the well-subdued lights, and the splendours of plate and decoration, the scene was such as fairy-tales present: and Lady Canning, Miss Stanley, and Miss Dawson were beautiful enough to represent an ideal Queen’s attendants. The Queen looked well and rayonnante with that expression of countenance that she has when pleased with what surrounds her…. The old Duke of Cambridge …   more >>
cite as

Baroness von Bunsen, Letter from Baroness Bunsen to her mother Mrs Waddington, 15 Sept. 1846. In Augustus Hare (ed.), The Life and Letters of Frances Baroness Bunsen, volume 1 (London, 1879), p. 92. accessed: 10 March, 2025

location of experience: Windsor Castle


Charlotte Elizabeth Canning
Artist, Generalgouverneur und Vizekönig von Indien, Lady of the Bedchamber
Miss Dawson
Dama de compañía
Duke of Cambridge
Officer (armed forces), Prince
Miss Stanley
Dama de compañía
Baroness von Bunsen
Painting, Writer

Listening to

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instrumental music

Experience Information

Date/Time 15 September, 1846
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


The occasion for this event was a visit of the Princess of Prussia to her aunt, the Queen Dowager Adelaide.

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:51:25 +0000