Du Pré, Hilary, 1942- et al. in Great Bedwyn - 27 June, 1965

from A genius in the family / Hilary Du Pré, pages 169-170:

The Newbury String Players were giving an afternoon concert conducted by Kiffer on Sunday 27th June in a pretty little church in Great Bedwyn, near Marlborough. Celia Nicklin, the oboist, was playing a Vivaldi Concerto, while Jackie was to perform the Rubbra Soliloquy. Together they were Veris Gratia by Kenneth Leighton. […] We ate an early lunch and left for Great Bedwyn. It was a hot, shining day and soon Jackie was in full flight playing the Rubbra, her long golden hair tossing about her. I was almost nine months pregnant and had a very wriggly two-year-old Theresa on my lap, but …   more >>

cite as

Du Pré, Hilary, 1942-, and Du Pré, Piers, 1948- (ed.), A genius in the family / Hilary Du Pré (:London, 1998), p. 169-170. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1406054873263 accessed: 27 July, 2024

location of experience: Great Bedwyn


Listening to

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Jacqueline du Pré with the Newbury String Players
written by Kenneth Leighton, Antonio Vivaldi, Edmund Rubbra
performed by Celia Nicklin, Jacqueline du Pré, Newbury String Players

Experience Information

Date/Time 27 June, 1965
Medium live

Originally submitted by tlisboa on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:47:54 +0100
Approved on Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:01:11 +0000