Yehudi Menuhin in Paris - 1927

from Unfinished Journey, page 76:

As might be supposed, Parisian concerts widened and deepened my knowledge of music. Several times we went to the Opéra Comique, once or twice to the Opéra itself, sitting way up in the gallery and finding the experience tremendously exciting. Apart from opera, there were many concerts, of course, but the detail of all of them is obliterated now by the glory of the Eroica Symphony, first heard in the Salle Gaveau under Paul Paray’s direction. I must have heard more than one Beethoven symphony in San Francisco; I had never heard the Eroica, and its meaning, its power, its capacity to move …   more >>
cite as

Yehudi Menuhin, Unfinished Journey (London, April, 1977), p. 76. accessed: 22 January, 2025

location of experience: Paris


Yehudi Menuhin
Violinist, Conducting

Listening to

hide composers
Eroica Symphony
written by Beethoven
performed by Paul Paray

Experience Information

Date/Time 1927
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by tlisboa on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:42:53 +0100
Approved on Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:38:25 +0000