Benjamin Britten in Lowestoft - 1935

from Letter from Benjamin Britten to Grace Williams, Jan 16th 1935, pages 179-180:

Meine liebe Grace,

[...] I heard your first show - stayed in especially to hear it - and also the Suite from the W. Regional, in sections; but really the thing came over so badly that I can't attempt to judge it - all I seem to remember, between grunts and whistles and shrieks is the diminished fifth B-F - But I remember some exciting wind passages in the last movement. [Grace William's Suite for Chamber Orchestra, broadcast 14th Jan 1935]

Re- the first concern R.V.W. [Ralph Vaughan Williams] I know is a very nice man, but he shouldn't conduct. It was …   more >>

cite as

Lewis Foreman, Letter from Benjamin Britten to Grace Williams, Jan 16th 1935. In From Parry to Britten: British Music in Letters, 1900 - 1945 (London, 1987), p. 179-180. accessed: 12 February, 2025

location of experience: Lowestoft


Benjamin Britten

Listening to

hide composers
Five Mystical Songs
written by Ralph Vaughan Williams
performed by Wireless Chorus, BBC Symphonic Orchestra
Suite for Chamber Orchestra
written by Grace Williams
performed by Reginald Redman, Western Studio Orchestra
Two Psalms
written by Grace Williams
performed by Wireless Chorus, BBC Symphonic Orchestra

Experience Information

Date/Time 1935
Medium broadcast
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary


The broadcast on 28th Dec also included orchestral works by Elizabeth Maeonchy, R.O.Morris and Robin Milford.

Originally submitted by kerriedinburgh on Wed, 29 Oct 2014 12:40:05 +0000
Approved on Tue, 22 Mar 2016 14:47:57 +0000