Henry Burstow in Horsham - between 1830 and 1900

from Reminiscences of Horsham, page 70:

On this day, too, we had Jacks-in-the-Green. The chimney sweeps used to dress up in fancy costumes and in evergreens and flowers, and, accompanied by a fiddler or two, parade and dance all round the town and neighbourhood. There were two sets of Jacks-in-the-Green when I was a boy, the Potter and the Whiting parties, and considerable rivalry existed between them. Lady Shelley used to patronise them handsomely by giving them plenty to eat and drink, and a good round sum of money. She one year gave the Whiting party a new set of dresses, fitting them out in a very gay manner. The children, with …   more >>
cite as

Henry Burstow, Reminiscences of Horsham (Horsham, September, 1911), p. 70. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1432906875222 accessed: 14 January, 2025

location of experience: Horsham


Henry Burstow
Bellringer, Shoemaker

Listening to

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violin music

Experience Information

Date/Time between 1830 and 1900
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, outdoors, in public

Originally submitted by mallen on Fri, 29 May 2015 14:41:15 +0100