William Gardiner in Paris

from Music and Friends: Or, Pleasant Recollections of a Dilettante, pages 561-562:

The first opera I ever heard of Rossini's was at Paris, 'La Cenerentola.' The style of this author, compared with Mozart, appeared light and trifling. It had not the rich flow of melody which runs through his com positions. The motivos were pretty, sportive, and short ; and so unlike the music we were accustomed to, that I compared them to the shreds and patches upon Harlequin's coat. To me Mozart appears the sincere lover, who expresses his intense sentiments in pathetic strains ; Rossini gay and foppish, but captivating, even in his most trifling mood. These were my opinions on the first …   more >>
cite as

William Gardiner, Music and Friends: Or, Pleasant Recollections of a Dilettante, volume 2 (London, January, 1838), p. 561-562. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1433968287967 accessed: 1 December, 2024

location of experience: Paris


William Gardiner
Composer, Hosier

Listening to

hide composers
La Cenerentola
written by Rossini

Experience Information

Medium live
Listening Environment indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 21:31:28 +0100
Approved on Thu, 15 Oct 2015 12:35:47 +0100