Beth Britten et al. in Leicester Square - 21 July, 1933

from Journeying boy : the diaries of the young Benjamin Britten 1928-1938, page 145:

After dinner Beth & I (getting 2 10/6 tickets - Because of Farrar prize just won) go to Alhambra for Ballet.* See Petrouchka, that marvel, with Woisekovsky, Riabouchinska, & Lichene. The perf. was worthy of the Ballet. Jeux D'Enfants (Bizet), & Cottillon (Charbrier tho' good, were rather an anti-climax after the other.*

cite as

John Evans (ed.), Journeying boy : the diaries of the young Benjamin Britten 1928-1938 (:London, 2009), p. 145. accessed: 27 July, 2024

location of experience: Leicester Square


Benjamin Britten

Listening to

hide composers
written by Emmanuel Chabrier
Jeux D'Enfants
written by Edouard Souberbielle, Georges Bizet
written by Igor Stravinksy
performed by Lichene, Riabouchinska, Woisekovsky

Experience Information

Date/Time 21 July, 1933
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by gkw on Sun, 19 Jul 2015 20:57:54 +0100
Approved on Mon, 26 Sep 2016 23:07:21 +0100