Robert Augustine Luke Nunns in The Nunns family home in Leeds - 8 January, 1852, at night

from The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852, page 6:

Bought a BBB pencil. Tom Teale and Fanny and Sarah came to tea at 7. Rather dull. Had to sing “Philip the Falconer” and “The Cavalier”.

cite as

Robert Augustine Luke Nunns, The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852. In Harold Cresswell Brentnall (ed.), The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852. Published as a supplement to The Marlburian, August 1931 (Marlborough, August, 1931), p. 6. accessed: 18 December, 2024

location of experience: The Nunns family home in Leeds


Robert Augustine Luke Nunns
Church of England minister

Listening to

hide composers
'Philip the Falconer'
written by Edward J. Loder
performed by Robert Augustine Luke Nunns
'The Cavalier'
written by Charles William Glover
performed by Robert Augustine Luke Nunns

Experience Information

Date/Time 8 January, 1852, at night
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


Nunns, seventeen years old when he kept the diary, is at home before returning to Marlborough College. Words to both 'Philip the Falconer' and 'The Cavalier' were written by William Henry Bellamy.

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Fri, 23 Mar 2018 11:21:49 +0000
Approved on Thu, 29 Mar 2018 16:30:14 +0100