Ethel M. Clark - early 20th Century

from Their small corner, page 7:

Very few houses had water laid on so that meant that there were no indoor toilets. Most cottages had toilets quite a walk from the house […] It was a white-washed edifice with two seats, one for small children and one for adults […]

The edifice was referred to as up-the garden. It was surrounded by a thick hedge of holly and snowberries […] the door had no bolt but it was big and heavy and if someone was approaching he or she sang or whistled his or her warning of approach. 

cite as

Ethel M. Clark, Their small corner. In Brunel University Burnett Archive of Working Class Autobiographies, number 2:148, p. 7. accessed: 22 December, 2024


Listening to

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'warning' whistle or song

Experience Information

Date/Time early 20th Century
Medium live
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Fri, 22 Jun 2018 14:15:37 +0100
Approved on Fri, 24 Aug 2018 14:45:15 +0100