Ned Rorem in Paris - 1955

from The Paris Diary: France Again 1955, page 195:

Well, in what country am I? Finally I heard the tape of the Louisville Orchestra playing my Design. The mechanic of the studio said to me afterwards: "But you aren't of your time." But of course, I am of my time, only it is not of me.
cite as

Ned Rorem, The Paris Diary: France Again 1955. In The Paris Diary and The New York Diary 1951-1961 (New York, 1998), p. 195. accessed: 19 January, 2025

location of experience: Paris


Ned Rorem
Critic, essayist, Composer, Diarist […]

Listening to

hide composers
'Design' for orchestra
written by Ned Rorem
performed by Louisville Orchestra

Experience Information

Date/Time 1955
Medium playback
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary

Originally submitted by iepearson on Mon, 21 Apr 2014 20:14:53 +0100